Personal and business qualities of the employee. Business qualities Business tests. Ability to handle money

With the help of projective tests you can determine your business qualities. Follow the assignments and find out why you are so unbearable in the chair of a subordinate or, on the contrary, why you decisively refused the position of the head of the company?

The picture shows several geometric shapes overlapping each other. Paint one shape, part of a shape, or several shapes as you wish.

So what did you paint over?

Circle shows your sociability, ability to get around sharp corners and get out of a conflict situation by reaching a compromise.

If you paid attention only to the circle, you are an excellent performer, work well in subordination, adapt well to any team, and know how to work productively with almost everyone.

Oval shows your initiative, flexibility of thinking, good ability to analyze, ability to master and introduce new directions into work.

If you painted over oval only, this shows your desire to take the role of leader in the team, because it is boring and difficult for you to work as a simple performer. You also need to feel ahead of others and you strive with all your might to work better than everyone else, at the slightest opportunity you read additional literature on your profession, attend all kinds of advanced training courses, seminars and webinars.

Square shows your integrity, strength of character, ability to defend your opinion, ability to make decisions quickly.

If you have selected only square, this means you are gold and not an employee. Any employer dreams of finding an employee who will complete any task, even the most difficult one, thanks to unearthly hard work and diligence.

Twisty figure shows your creative abilities, rebellious character, desire to eliminate old orders and introduce new trends into life.

If you have selected just a sinuous figure, then you can rightfully be called a real rebel. And when choosing a place to work, you always evaluate the manager very carefully. He should definitely evoke a feeling of admiration and respect in you. If for some reason you no longer like the leader, then you will have problems in the team.

Large rectangle shows your level of independence in a team.

If you painted over the entire large rectangle, leaving the figures lying on it white(circle, oval, square, winding figure), this indicates a low level of initiative. It is very difficult for you to show independence, you are lost, you don’t know what to do next. When you work alone, you often make mistakes. But you carry out group tasks with pleasure, you are not afraid to show your creativity, but you constantly need approval and recognition.

The most important person for you is your boss; you constantly scan his mood, are afraid of letting him down, and often sacrifice your own time and health in order to complete one or another task. You are a very loyal employee, but a driven person in life.

Partially shaded shapes(oval, square, circle, winding figure), the shaded parts of which are in a large rectangle, indicate your excellent level of performance. You enjoy working both with colleagues and alone. You just need to give the task and let it go with a light heart. Constant control from your superiors makes you angry and negatively affects your results.

Look at this picture. It depicts a person, a gift and a body of water that cannot be forded or swam. Complete the drawing so that the picture is complete.

Decoding the results

Before we talk about the fragments you drew, let's look at the three main parts of the picture.

The person on the left bank is you, your sense of self.

A gift box with a bow is your goal.

A body of water (river, sea, lake, etc.) are obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goal.

So, what did you draw for the person?

Bridge indicates that you do not give up on your goals and desires, even if you face difficult challenges. The stronger and clearer your bridge is drawn, the better developed your will and determination.

What does the bridge look like?

If the bridge is flimsy, old, consists of a perch, a board, this indicates that you are easily led astray, forced to change your mind, intimidated, and then you stop striving for your goal. Often you yourself don’t know exactly what goals you want to achieve, you don’t think through a step-by-step strategy, and therefore you are influenced not only by people, but also by negative life events. That’s why you draw a perch, as if you give yourself permission to fall into the river at any moment, almost at the blow of a breeze.

Beautiful bridge, bridge with twisted railings, patterns, decorations speaks of your romantic nature, a certain tendency to idealize everything. Your goals are often also romantic, and therefore somewhat unrealistic.

A solid bridge, a bridge made of modern materials, using modern technologies, speaks of your seriousness in implementing your plans, a well-developed strategy, insurance and backup options in case not everything goes according to plan. In the business world, you are the go-getter that all employers dream of.

Wire, rope, rope(this also includes troll crossing, canopy crossing, etc.): if you offer a person to get to a gift in this way, it means that you are ready to achieve your goal, but only with the support of other people.

If at the same time you gave something to the tightrope walker for balance: a pole, two bags, two buckets of water, this means that you constantly doubt yourself and do not really believe in your strength. But you still do something to realize your plans.

Nothing. If you have not offered anything to the little man, perhaps you have not yet decided on your business goals and are still going with the flow, assessing reality.

How did you design the pond?

If they settled in your pond dangerous creatures: crocodiles, piranhas, sharks, poisonous jellyfish - this means that you are very afraid of obstacles that may come your way. And if at the same time you drew a flimsy and thin bridge, this also indicates your tendency to panic over unimportant reasons. They say about such people: “Fear has big eyes” or “I came up with it myself - I got scared.”

If you have revived a pond plants: lilies, water lilies, reeds, algae - this means that you do not expect fate to set you up, but do not indulge yourself with illusions. You have always known and know that anything can happen in life, and therefore obstacles must be overcome as they arise.

If you have populated a pond harmless fish selflessly frolicking in the water, this means that you do not see serious dangers and troubles on the way to your goal and are generally positive. You are also characterized by some infantilism.

What kind of employee do you think an employer needs? Of course, any boss likes it when his orders are carried out unquestioningly. The typist must type, the driver must drive wherever they are told, and the accountant must silently draw up a balance sheet. But in other way. If you are not a very competent boss, and the typist repeated all your spelling and syntax errors while retyping your letter, I think you will not like it. So, let's check who you are - a simple performer or a free creative person?

Do you have the makings of a leader?

A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general, says a popular proverb. However, there are many people who should never be leaders. Do you have any character traits that indicate your aptitude for leadership work?

Will you be able to make money?

It's better to be rich than poor. Only now wealth floats into the hands of some, while it runs away from others. Maybe you yourself are to blame for this?

Can you succeed?

Today, psychologists are increasingly inclined to believe that success comes to those who have a certain set of character traits, and above all the ability to adapt to different situations. We can say that the main characteristic of successful people is their ability to be in the right place at the right time. And this falling in step with fate is not an accident at all, but a manifestation of their personal qualities. Read the questions and choose the answer options that best suit your personal habits and ideas.

Identification of the style of self-regulation of activity.

You need to describe yourself. To do this, we offer you the following statements. If you think the given statement applies to you, answer “yes.” If it is not typical or you are in doubt, answer “no”.

Who are you: a lazy person or a hard worker?

Nowadays, the term “workaholic” has appeared, that is, a person who cannot live without work and gets great pleasure from it. Such people believe that diligence and hard work are one of the main components of success in life. To what extent do you have this quality? The test below will help you find out.

It happens like this: we like the company we work for, the team is good, and we are satisfied with the position - but there is still no satisfaction from the work. What to do: look for your dream job or can you change something here on the spot? It turns out that if you better understand yourself, your strengths and main irritants, you can “customize” the work environment to suit your productivity style.

What is your productivity style? Test

Please read the statements listed below and rate each on the following scale:

  1. Never
  2. Rarely
  3. Sometimes
  4. Often
  5. Always
  1. To get work done, I use a prioritized list of tasks.
  2. I get the job done quickly
  3. I'm often late
  4. I find it difficult to say “no” to my colleagues
  5. I plan my day
  6. Dreams allow me to gain insight and find solutions to many real-life problems
  7. During project meetings, I am able to combine disparate ideas into a coherent whole.
  8. I use step-by-step plans to implement projects
  9. I achieve better results when I work in a team or with someone else
  10. For me, a deadline defines the time frame for completing a task.
  11. I perform better when I work under pressure
  12. When creating a schedule, I set aside as much time for work as needed.
  13. Before I start implementing a project, I analyze it
  14. To accomplish my tasks, I use proven methods and practices
  15. When drawing up a project plan, I think first of all about who needs to be involved in its implementation
  16. I allocate specific time periods for certain tasks.
  17. When creating a project plan, I think first of all about how it will contribute to the implementation of the strategic goal
  18. My office is in complete order
  19. When I brainstorm, I make a list of my ideas.
  20. I find it difficult to find time for fun until all my work is done.
  21. When I brainstorm, I make diagrams or sketches of my ideas.
  22. I can complete significant amounts of work without making mistakes
  23. When I brainstorm, I like to share my ideas with other people
  24. I tend to underestimate the amount of time it will take to complete a task or project
  25. When planning a project, I think first of all about its outcome or desired result.
  26. I have strict requirements for the choice of tools - pens, paper, folders, etc. - that I use
  27. I complete project tasks in a given sequence
  28. When I plan a project, I think first about what the main goal is.

Scoring. Write the number of points you received for each question in the appropriate column in the table below. For example, if you answered “Sometimes” to the first question, then enter the number “3” in the first line of the first column. When you have filled in all the lines, calculate the total number of points in each column.

Enter the resulting numbers into the appropriate quadrant of the Productivity Style Circle.

In which quadrant do you have the highest score? So your basic productivity style has been determined. Now you probably want to know how the result obtained relates to your work? Let's look at the characteristics of each of the four productivity styles.


A priority-taker is characterized by logical, analytical thinking. In his reasoning, he proceeds from facts, and evaluates them realistically and critically. He prefers to use his time efficiently and effectively, focusing on the most important task that will help bring the project to fruition. A person of this type is usually able to carry out significant amounts of work accurately and accurately and effectively prioritize tasks.


  • prioritization
  • ability to think analytically and find logical solutions to problems
  • determination, consistency and firmness
  • constancy

Main irritants:

  • meaningless chatter
  • inaccuracies or lack of data
  • inefficient use of time
  • unclear, ambiguous approaches or instructions
  • excessive exposure of personal feelings

Communication style. If you listen more carefully to the speech of the priority leaders, you will probably notice certain features in it. Thus, people of this type, wanting to illustrate their point, often refer to facts, actively use technical jargon, abbreviations and special terms, and speak in a tone that expresses confidence in the indisputability of what is being said.

The priority person likes to receive information in a concise form: so that everything is accurate, clear and technically verified. For example, Steve Yankovic, eBay's vice president of innovation and investment, describes his communication preferences: “I need information to come to me constantly, in real time. And it is desirable that people speak briefly. A small screen and an inconvenient keyboard force a person to express his thoughts more clearly. You won't write four paragraphs on your phone. Time is precious."

People of this type usually ask questions that begin with the word “what”: “What does this product or this service give to the consumer?”; “What could prevent him from using the product?”; “What will he get as a result?” The priority requires that only verified facts be presented to him and accepts them without emotion.

Use of space. The environment in the priority's office and his personal workplace, as a rule, look very businesslike. The visitor immediately sees and feels that a professional is working here: clear lines, everything is functional, no unnecessary decorations or works of art. The desk is clean and tidy; everything on it is directly related to work.

Decision making style. Before making a decision, the priority person collects all the facts, analyzes problems and develops theories. People of this type argue rationally and solve problems logically. They very rarely make mistakes when working with numbers, data and statistical reports.

Priority seekers are drawn to tools like the iPad (which they often customize to streamline their workflow as much as possible) and programs like Evernote, Noteshelf, To Do, LogMeIn Ignition (which allow them to connect to a computer and do work remotely), and ScanBizCards (to view business cards on the go). Some of their favorite tools include low-tech inventions such as loose-leaf pads and label-printing machines.


The planner's thought process is typically organized, consistent, systematic, and detailed. The planner estimates in advance and allocates the time needed to complete tasks and arranges them in a strict sequence. He (or she) will not waste time on unproductive and unimportant tasks. The project plans he develops are concise and at the same time detailed.

Such plans are clearly structured in time. When preparing projects, the planner is usually careful to study and comply with all laws, regulations, rules and regulations, as well as requirements for quality and safety of work. People of this type stick to a detailed list of tasks and often complete work ahead of schedule.


  • activity, consistency and practicality
  • ability to identify omissions and flaws in plans and procedures
  • ability to organize and maintain large amounts of data
  • talent to draw up detailed plans and algorithms of action

Main irritants:

  • lack of a clear program, disorganization and jumping from question to question
  • working at the last minute or with deadlines
  • lack of results, unfinished work and indecision
  • unclear instructions, ambiguous expressions, typos and errors

Communication style. The planner's speech model is characterized by precision of expressions and detailed descriptions. These types of people speak in complete sentences or blocks of meaning and often show skepticism or anxiety about quality. They ask specific questions that require equally specific answers.

The planner likes information to be provided to him in a concise form and that it be presented consistently, in detail, step by step, and, of course, delivered on time, in writing, with detailed references and footnotes. They tend to ask questions that begin with the word “how”: “How often do problems like this occur?”; “How exactly do you want to implement this project?” The planner treats information received through feedback channels carefully. He needs clarity and precision.

Use of space. The office environment and the planner's workplace often look traditional. There is no place for unnecessary and impractical items. Both the layout and decoration of the room are very thoughtful. There is order on the table, there is a sense of organization in everything, there is nothing superfluous, there are few personal items. Professional certificates, diplomas, branded printed materials are in a prominent place.

Decision making style. The planner takes a practical approach to decision making. He (or she) easily finds inconsistencies and flaws even in those paragraphs of documents and contracts that are printed in the smallest font. Once a decision has been made, the planner will stand firmly by it, providing stable leadership and voicing plans and ideas in strict sequence. You can safely rely on the planner in everything related to tracking incoming information, maintaining order in financial documents and developing detailed plans and algorithms for completing tasks.

Your favorite productivity tool. Productivity tools of choice for planners include task-listing and project management computer applications such as Tom's Planner and Omnifocus (which allow you to plan and track projects by item, location, person, and date), and organization programs (which allow you to the ability to create interactive agendas and distribute them to iPad users), and Ziplist (helps you create personal and family shopping lists, organizing them both by category and by store).

Planners also love low-tech tools such as binders, filing cabinets, organizer trays, pen holders and other office supplies. It is very funny to watch a planner who has the opportunity to wander freely around a large stationery and office equipment store. It's a pleasure to watch him stock up on his favorite toys to increase productivity!

We'll talk about the other two productivity styles next time.

Answer yes or no. 1.

You tend to have detailed conversations with your work colleagues more than with your friends. 2.

You are very punctual. 3.

You prefer to rest on Saturday afternoon rather than on Sunday. 4.

You feel better when you are working than when you are idle. 5.

You carefully plan your pastime. 6.

You get annoyed when your friends keep you waiting. 7.

Your friends find you easy to get along with. 8.

While working, you often forget about your loved ones. 9.

You find time to work even in the most difficult conditions. 10.

You always plan your actions down to the smallest detail. eleven.

You enjoy chatting between meetings. 12.

Your friends are doing about the same thing as you. 13.

You try to work even when you are unwell. 14.

Everything you read relates to your area of ​​work. 15.

You stay at work later than your colleagues. 16.

When you wake up at night, you think about work. 17.

You dream of having no troubles at work. 18.

You are as passionate in games as you are at work. 19.

You quickly get bored with rest. 20.

On rest days you often prepare for the work week. 2.5.

Test "Your communication skills"

Choose the answer that suits you best. 1.

While in a compartment or cabin of an airplane, do you prefer:

a) usually remain silent, without entering into contact with neighbors;

b) contact when necessary, but without desire;

c) enter into contacts proactively without any difficulties;

d) share your innermost thoughts with strangers. 2.

You maintain relationships with friends and relatives, preferring:

a) rare visits (3-4 times a year);

b) more frequent visits (5-10 times a year);

c) regular mutual visits (more than once a month);

d) weekly and more frequent visits. 3.

How many greeting cards do you receive per year?

d) 16-20 or more. 4.

If you have already graduated from school (university), then the fate of how many of your fellow students is known to you in detail?

d) 16-20 or more. 5.

On average, it takes you to make a telephone conversation:

c) 6-10 minutes;

d) from 15 minutes or more. 6.

When reading (or having read) a new book, you usually:

a) think about what you read;

b) answer questions about what you read, but reluctantly;

c) willingly answer questions about what you read;

d) share your impressions on your own initiative. 7.

During a film show, performance, or concert, you usually:

a) don’t like anyone expressing their impressions in front of you;

b) be tolerant of this, it may be interesting to you;

c) sometimes exchange remarks with friends;

d) you can’t sit silently all the time, try to express your opinion more often. 8.

When meeting people you know on the street, you:

a) if there is no urgent matter for them, nod and pass by;

b) respond to greetings and exchange brief remarks;

c) you don’t notice who said hello first, you willingly learn about the news;

d) stop first, say hello, ask questions, tell about yourself. 9.

When returning home after work (study), you prefer:

a) remain silent;

b) answer questions briefly;

c) ask your family about news, but without hunting, formally;

d) ask and talk about yourself with interest. 10.

When you are in a foreign city (unfamiliar area) and looking for the institution you need, the address of which you do not know (you only know that it should be somewhere near the bus stop where you got off), you usually prefer:

a) walk around the nearby streets, independently looking for the institution you need;

b) identify a local resident among passersby (“by eye”), ask him a question, and if the answer is unsatisfactory, continue the independent search;

c) stopping passers-by with a request for help, but at the same time you feel awkward;

d) resort to the help of passers-by without feeling embarrassed. eleven.

While walking around the city, park, or outside the city, do you prefer:

a) loneliness;

b) a society of one person;

c) the company of several friends or relatives;

d) a lot of people (collective outings, cultural outings, etc.). 12.

Having noticed a new thing on a friend (close, relative), you:

a) evaluate it silently;

b) express your opinion if asked;

c) express an opinion on your own initiative;

d) ask about the price, where the new thing was purchased, and comment on your impressions. 13.

When reading fiction, you usually:

a) prefer a short poem, a short story;

b) a cycle of poems, a collection of short stories;

c) don’t pay attention to the genre - as long as it’s interesting;

d) read detailed novels and poems that have earned the authority of criticism, are significant on the topic, etc. 14.

If you accidentally find yourself in an unfamiliar company, you:

a) you feel extremely embarrassed and want to leave;

b) contact, but without much desire;

c) happy to meet new people;

d) are extremely happy to meet new people, try to learn about them in detail and show your best side. 15.

If you write poetry, stories, diaries, etc., then you usually:

a) do not share what you wrote with anyone;

b) sometimes share part of what you write with someone you especially trust;

c) willingly read what is written if you are asked to do so;

d) on your own initiative, read what is written, because you are interested in the opinions of others. A negative opinion or too restrained praise upsets you to a certain extent. 16.

When you are treated at a party to some new dish that you like, you usually:

a) eat with pleasure, but do not express your opinion;

b) you can approve if they ask for your opinion;

c) praise the dish on your own initiative;

d) not only praise, but also ask about the recipe, ask your family to prepare this dish, etc. 17.

Select the best type of title (not the work, but its type!):

b) Quarrel between neighbors;

c) Stupid quarrel between neighbors;

d) The story of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich. 18.

If you notice that one of your good friends is too talkative, then you:

a) you can hint to him about this, since this shortcoming seriously irritates you;

b) do not particularly react to the talkativeness of others;

c) like to listen, as long as it is interesting;

d) they themselves are talkative, and a similar quality of the interlocutor allows you to express yourself. 19.

To the question “What time is it?” in a situation where you don’t have a watch with you, you will most likely answer like this:

a) “I don’t know”;

b) “I don’t know, I don’t have a watch, sorry”;

c) “I would be happy to answer, but, unfortunately, I don’t have a watch with me”;

d) “I would be very happy to answer your question, but my watch is currently being repaired, I myself am experiencing great inconvenience, but what can I do?!” 20.

During a public lecture (report, speech), if the topic is interesting to you and the speaker expresses controversial or incorrect thoughts, in your opinion, you usually:

a) you feel some desire to object, but do not realize it;

b) you feel a desire to speak out, but react without annoyance to circumstances that prevent you from realizing your desire;

c) you can freely realize your desire with the help of a note;

d) seek the opportunity to publicly object to the speaker. 21.

After reading a discussion article in a newspaper (magazine) on a topic that concerns you, you usually:

a) you think that you could speak in the discussion, but do not take up the article, letter, etc., gradually forgetting about your intention;

b) think about your possible answer, an article, sketch out a plan, collect material, make a draft, but don’t get too upset if something prevented you from finishing the job;

c) write an article (letter to the editor), send it, but do not take the refusal to publish to heart;

Emphasize the quality you desire in your interlocutors:

a) extreme restraint;

b) contact directed primarily at you;

c) noticeable sociability;

d) unlimited contact. 23.

a) low;

b) close to average;

c) quite tall;

d) high, approaching the highest. 2.6.

This test will help determine whether you have the qualities of a business person. You need to choose the answer option that you think suits you best.

1. Imagine that you went on a trip around the world, but your liner suddenly broke down and stopped at the port for several days to fix the breakdown. What will you be doing?

b) walk along the decks, admire the terrain, but won’t lift a finger to do anything;

c) I will try to establish good relations with my cabinmates, meet new people, especially since there is a reason. Maybe the person I need will be among them;

d) I’ll take out a laptop or notebook from the far pocket of my travel bag and get down to business. A vacation is a vacation, but work is work.

2. Your team is planning a holiday with a party, champagne and other pleasant little things, and all its (team) members began to prepare for the week. What will you do?

a) calmly contemplate everything that is happening around, but most likely I will still not be able to work fully;

b) I will be happy to succumb to the general high spirits and will, together with everyone, prepare for the upcoming event;

c) I will make every effort not only to ignore all this, but also to try to force all employees to work as expected;

d) I’ll work as expected, but in the meantime I’ll ask what’s going on at the party. What if I manage to show myself off to my superiors once again?

3. You are about to have a conversation with your boss, which most likely will not bring you anything good. What are you going to do?

a) work hard, I will try to show my best side so that the boss simply cannot fire me, even out of pity;

b) I will start to panic, get nervous and try to come up with the best excuse for my low performance;

c) I will follow the Russian proverb “Whatever God does not do is for the better!” and I will try to go with the flow;

d) I’ll try to take a day off, clear my head and do my best to turn the unfavorable situation in my favor.

4. Which of the above items do you need most?

c) laptop or computer;

b) mirror;

a) a ticket to a fashionable disco;

5. Do you think that an ordinary, ordinary employee without cronyism and other privileges can achieve great heights in a particular organization?

a) yes, as popular wisdom says: “Patience and work will grind everything down”;

b) of course, it can, if you show ingenuity and high professionalism;

c) most likely not, because in our time absolutely everything is decided by money and the powers that be;

d) no, so it’s better to take from life everything it gives.

6. Do you think it is necessary to take initiative in absolutely everything?

a) no, it’s not necessary, because initiative is a very thankless task;

b) definitely, even if you are nothing of yourself, but show initiative in absolutely everything, you will certainly be noticed and, perhaps, even rewarded;

c) whenever possible, sometimes you can take everything into your own hands, but in most cases it is better to use the results of someone else’s work;

d) of course, it is necessary, because an intelligent and proactive person can always achieve what he wants!

Now take stock. To calculate your results, you need to compare your answers with the data in our table and get the total.

1: a) – 40, b) – 30, c) – 20, d) – 10.

2: a) – 30, b) – 40, c) – 10, d) – 20.

3: a) – 10, b) – 40, c) – 30, d) – 20.

4: a) – 20, b) – 30, c) – 40, d) – 10.

5: a) – 10, b) – 20, c) – 30, d) – 40.

6: a) – 40, b) – 10, c) – 30, d) – 20.

If you score from 60 to 100 points, it is very difficult to call you a person with business qualities. Rather, on the contrary, you not only don’t strive for it, you don’t even need it. Maybe you have not yet reached the age when it is time for you to start a professional activity, maybe you are just a non-business person, so be extremely careful when choosing your future profession.

If you scored from 101 to 140 points, most likely you are a very passive person who does not like to express himself, does not like to be in the public eye, and does not know how to conduct business. You may have business qualities, but they are simply not visible behind your passivity. If you stubbornly want to achieve something, then seriously reconsider your behavior.

If you score from 141 to 200 points, your business qualities are simply undeniable. You are a person who can always find a way out of any, even the most hopeless situation. Most likely you have great business potential.

If you scored from 201 to 240 points, you are a real hard worker, but you simply do not have business qualities. The fact is that you really want to have them, and you always try to prove it, which is commendable. But be careful not to overdo it, because sometimes you just become boring and uninteresting.