Breastfeeding of newborn babies. Breastfeeding rules. Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation

Breastfeeding is the ideal way to feed your baby. First and foremost, it's helpful. Your body does everything for you. Nature itself decided everything, and endowed your breast milk with a mass of substances necessary for a crumb, which are so important for its full growth and development. No other manufacturer of formula feeding food has been able to invent a product similar to and superior in benefits to breast milk. Secondly, breastfeeding is free. You can afford it at any time. At the same time, prices for formula for artificial feeding are increasing, making them affordable for not every family. And also, it is very convenient, because all that is required of you is to make yourself comfortable and give the baby a breast. And there is no need to boil water, look for dishes for the mixture, cook it, especially when the child wakes up in the middle of the night from hunger, and you only managed to fall asleep.

What is worth remembering while breastfeeding is that you need to limit the use of certain foods that can adversely affect the baby's body, causing colic, allergic reactions, etc. Nobody talks about a strict diet. On the contrary, you should not limit yourself to food in order to get all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Plus, you can't lose weight and need to recover from childbirth.

Prohibited foods for breastfeeding

Foods prohibited during breastfeeding include alcoholic, carbonated drinks, chocolate, seafood, strong tea and coffee, citrus fruits, legumes, onions and garlic, milk, eggs, honey, fatty, fried, smoked foods, canned food and preserves, fruits and vegetables red and yellow, grapes, black bread, condiments, spices and sauces.

You can start introducing these products 3 months after your baby is born, but not before. Only by this moment will his digestive tract mature. After the infant reaches this age, you can introduce one product per day, observing the reaction. If the baby has colic again, or a rash, then try it next month. It is worth introducing new products in small portions, for example, one chocolate candy, or one orange slice.

Nutrition for breastfeeding

The diet of a nursing mother should include boiled meat and low-fat fish, dairy products, cereal dishes, soups with low-fat broths, marshmallows, dry biscuits, marmalade, crackers, vegetables and fruits not mentioned in the list of prohibited ones, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, weak tea, natural juices from hypoallergenic products, special dishes for pregnant and lactating women that have a beneficial effect on lactation.

Breastfeeding can help you bond with your baby as such a great way to show your baby how much you love and care for him.

What milk does your baby get at the beginning and end of a feed?

The female breast is designed in such a special way that it is frequent, regular feedings that cause milk flow. The quantity and quality of milk varies from woman to woman, it even differs from day to day and hour to hour. Between feedings, very thin, clear milk is produced, watery and not rich in fat.

This milk travels through the thoracic ducts and collects in the area of \u200b\u200bthe halos. The baby receives it in the first minutes of feeding, and this light meal stimulates his digestive system and sets it up for work.

While the baby suckles the breast, massages the halo and stimulates the nipple with his tongue, the production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin increases in the mother's body. Prolactin sends a signal to breast cells to immediately increase milk supply. This milk is significantly richer in fats and has a creamier color. Milk supplies the baby's body with the necessary calories and is responsible for the baby gaining weight. It creates a feeling of fullness in the child and induces a calmer and longer sleep. That is why it is so important to keep the baby at each breast for at least 10-15 minutes, otherwise there may simply not be a turn to get more fatty milk.

The hormone oxytocin, in turn, acts on muscle tissue and breast cells, helping newly arrived milk move faster and under greater pressure through the thoracic ducts towards its goal - a hungry little creature. This can cause milk to leak, it can flow from the breast with force, as if making it easier for the baby to suckle.

Several of these increased milk flows can occur in a 30-minute feed, although women usually notice only the first one. He manifests himself in a feeling of fullness, even fullness of the chest, as if pressure on it from the inside. You can also determine the increased milk flow by the behavior of your baby - he will begin to swallow more often than usual, after one or two sucking movements.

In the period following shortly after childbirth, women often experience slight pain, similar to menstrual pain, since the oxytocin hormone - an excellent assistant in returning to a flat tummy and a previous figure - affects the uterus, contracting it. That is why you can often hear the opinion that breastfeeding helps restore and improve your figure.

Keys to Breastfeeding Success

If you limit feeding to five minutes at each breast, your inexperienced recruit may receive only weak milk and barely have time to form and induce your first milk flow. In this case, the baby will receive food with low calories, which will translate into poor weight gain and dehydration, which is often observed in newborns these days. The woman, in turn, will experience unpleasant heaviness, breast overcrowding or problems due to a lack of milk. It is extremely important that the newborn is in the same room with the mother and breastfeeds every two to three hours. Try to feed him at least 15 minutes from each breast whenever possible.

New mothers should try to get as much rest as possible to help their baby form good milk. Working at home, exercising too much, having fun, or working outside the home can create difficulties and make it difficult for your body to form the right style of milk production. Daytime sleep and any opportunity to lie down to rest are very positive habits. Try to cultivate them in yourself at this time in your life. The energy you need will also come from food and fat stores that were made during pregnancy.

In order to produce a liter of milk per day, an additional 800 kilocalories is required. Half of these will come from your nine month supply. This means that on average, you should be losing your weight at a rate of 250-500 grams per week. The remaining half should come from a well-balanced, vitamin-rich diet.

A nursing mother should be getting approximately 2000-2500 calories a day, depending on her body composition and activity level during the day. Eat whatever food you want. However, if you notice that your little one is feeling anxious six hours after you eat something, you may need to eliminate this food from your diet. And of course, drink as much liquid as you want, or, as they say, as much as you like.

If you find yourself excluding a large number of foods or entire food groups because they affect your baby's well-being, seek the advice of a good nutritionist or pediatrician - additional help will not hurt you.

While breastfeeding, try to avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeinated drinks - all of which will somehow find their way into your milk. Any medications you intend to take must be checked with your pediatrician.

Over time and as your baby grows, you will notice changes in his feeding and sleeping schedule. Feeding will be less frequent and sleep times will be more predictable and regular.

Lara mama 16.08 09:23

This always happens with everyone! I also think that there is less milk in the evening, and there is not enough of it. In fact, to judge the sufficiency or insufficiency of milk from what follows, you should not, the child is gaining weight, pees 10-12 times, then everything is ok! it's just that the baby is at the breast longer after lunch, suckles longer and therefore it may seem that it is not enough ... the breast is gaining milk during the night (since there is a long break between feedings) and therefore they are harder, and then the milk does not pour into the breast, they are soft, but milk is produced and your baby eats !!! it is produced while sucking !!!
and the fact that the child is nervous, pulls the nipple is also normal behavior at your age !!! watch what happens at that time, maybe she pissing, pooping! This is exactly how it was with me, and my grandmothers already advised to pump to see enough milk, but I defended my opinion and now everything is OK with us !!! what I wish you too! you are doing everything right, often attach the baby, do not limit the time spent at the breast and do not give anything instead of the breast !!!

In the first weeks after birth, the newborn and his mother are just getting used to each other, and much of the baby's behavior is incomprehensible to the mother. Why, for example, does the baby worry about the breast during feeding? There are many reasons for this, and we decided to describe them and suggest ways to overcome difficulties. Let's start with the cause of the child's anxiety, which mothers call the first, but which really exists the least often.

Lack of milk

This is the first thing that comes to mind, whose baby cries a lot, including at the breast. One of the biggest difficulties with, oddly enough, is that nursing mothers do not know exactly how much milk their babies are getting, and whether they have enough of it.

If your child is overly anxious, most outside well-wishers will most likely point out to you that the child is probably hungry. Since you are a mother, such remarks can make you feel guilty. After all, it is you who are responsible for feeding the baby! How to dispel doubts and fears associated with a lack of milk?

  1. Watch your little one urinate and defecate. After the sixth day of life, you should receive at least six wet diapers and one dirty diaper per day. If so, your milk is enough for the baby.
  2. Frequent feedings are normal. In the first few weeks of life, a newborn usually needs 8-12 feeds per day. In the beginning, you may have to hold it against your chest almost constantly at times. Over the course of several hours, he will demand it very often, and then fall asleep for four to five hours. As the baby learns to suckle more effectively, the number of feedings decreases.
  3. Monitor your baby's weight. By two weeks, the baby should have regained the weight it was born with, and in the next two to three months gain at least 150 grams per week.

If you are still worried that you are low on milk, it may be helpful to have a lactation consultant monitor, evaluate your baby's weight gain, and advise on ways to increase milk supply if necessary.

Breast swelling

Sometimes the baby's restless behavior at the breast is caused by its swelling. Excessive breast swelling most often occurs in the first weeks after childbirth. To reduce it, express some milk by hand or with a quality breast pump to make the breast softer and easier for the baby to pick up. Avoid expressing too much milk, as this can cause excess milk production later on, which will only worsen the swelling. Apply cold compresses to your breasts between feeds to reduce swelling and soreness.

Flat or depressed nipples

The baby may also feel nervous when latching on to the breast if the mother has flat or depressed nipples. To stretch them out, you can wear special pads between feedings. Turning on the pump for a few minutes before putting your baby to your breast will help pull the nipples out and also start the flow of milk so your baby gets it right away and is more likely to continue sucking instead of quitting and crying.

In some cases, the woman has to use pads to help suckle until the nipples become more prominent. This should happen after about two to four weeks of breastfeeding. If you are having difficulty with flat or depressed nipples, seek help from a breastfeeding consultant as soon as possible.

Improper attachment, uncomfortable posture

Another reason for restless breast behavior is wrong position... Both the mother and the baby may be uncomfortable, which may cause the breast to be affected in an inappropriate way and to prevent adequate milk flow. If your baby is very nervous, it is best for you to use the armpit position (when you hold the baby to the side of you, firmly applying it to the nearest breast) or the cradle (when you hold the baby horizontally at the breast), since these positions allow you to control his head.

These positions provide an opportunity to guide the baby towards the chest and hold him there. The baby's nose and chin should be pressed into the mother's chest. He usually sucks better when his mother holds him tight. If something makes you uncomfortable while feeding, contact a counselor. Perhaps this is the reason for your baby's anxiety.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Almost all children have gastroesophageal reflux to one degree or another. This medical term refers to a condition in which the annular muscle (sphincter) that blocks the entrance to the stomach has not yet fully formed and does not always completely cover the opening. Because of this, some of the milk, along with gastric juice, can flow back into the esophagus, causing what we call heartburn.

As anyone who has ever experienced it knows, it’s quite an unpleasant experience. In the same way that an adult can relieve heartburn by sitting with a straight back, a child can usually be helped by being held upright.

Reflux can sometimes occur during feeding. It can be prevented by holding the baby more upright or by taking breaks from time to time to let the baby "stand" for a while. As the baby develops, so does the muscles, so reflux becomes more rare.

Sometimes the problem is so severe that reflux causes the baby to be unable to eat at all. In such cases, you should consult a doctor.

Increased gas production

All newborns have flatulence... When a child begins to eat, he triggers reflex gas production, which is necessary for the waste generated during feeding to be removed from the body faster. This prevents constipation.

Because breast milk is very easy to digest, it takes very little time for this food to pass through the baby's gastrointestinal tract. You can often hear the characteristic sounds when your baby is still sucking. Although all children have gas, some tolerate it better than others. The time of day can also affect this. Apparently, the problem of flatulence becomes more noticeable at the end of the day. Traditionally, this time is considered the most hectic. The child does not seem to want to let go of the breast at all, and this, in turn, can aggravate flatulence. This problem disappears on its own as the baby develops.

How to calm a crying baby
Many of the methods that promote tranquility involve simulating intrauterine conditions in one way or another. Make sure the air temperature is comfortable - not too hot or too cool. Change diapers in time. The baby can feel calm if he is firmly pressed to himself or rocked. Either monotonous sounds - music or the buzzing of electrical appliances - can be effective. You can carry your baby in a sling, thereby providing him comfort and being able to do something at the same time.
You can involve someone from the family in calming the child - for example, a father, grandmother or grandfather; in this case, the baby will not feel the smell coming from the mother, which may excite him. It will also give the mother the opportunity to spend some time on herself.

Physiological lactase deficiency

At the beginning of breastfeeding, breast milk is richer in milk sugar - lactose. It is called “front”. After 10-15 minutes of feeding with the same breast, she begins to produce hind milk. It is richer in fats, which neutralize lactose and thereby reduce gas formation. If the baby is getting too much front milk and not getting back milk, excess lactose and a lack of the enzyme lactase, which increases flatulence.

Try to have your baby suckle from one breast for at least 12-15 minutes to get hind milk. When the baby grows up and suckles more efficiently, it will begin to get to him in a shorter period of time after starting feeding. Hind milk has a calming effect and helps restless babies to fall asleep. Most newborns naturally fall asleep at the end of a feed thanks to the sedative effects of hind milk.

The child chokes on milk

While the child only learns to suckle the breast, the so-called milk ejection reflex may be too powerful for him and lead to the fact that he will choke. Because of this, the baby can drop the breast and become nervous. Press firmly on the breast for about a minute to stop the milk from flowing too fast, then attach the baby to the breast again. Try expressing some milk before breastfeeding and see if you can trigger an ejection reflex before the baby takes over. Feed your baby in an armpit position. Growing older, the baby will be able to cope with the consequences of the milk ejection reflex in any feeding position without any problems.


On rare occasions, the baby is nervous and throws the breast from soaps or creams you put on your breasts or nipples... If you start using a new product and the baby becomes more nervous, wash it off and start feeding again.


A baby in the mouth or mother's nipples may develop yeast - so-called . You will see white specks in the baby's mouth.

Your nipples may turn bright red or itch, and may feel a burning sensation after feeding. During feeding, the baby may be more restless than usual.

See a doctor. If he confirms you have a fungal infection, both you and your baby will have to undergo treatment.

Too noisy and light

In some children, excessive anxiety is associated with hyperstimulation. They can be calmer during feeding if it is done in a dark and quiet room.

Wants to calm down with chest

Until 12 weeks, babies practically do not know how to calm themselves down and often reach for their breasts just for the sake of comfort. They begin to suck to calm down, without experiencing the need for food at this moment. For parents, this need of the baby should be on a par with all the other vital things that you provide for the child.

The underlying causes of a newborn's restless behavior disappear after the first six weeks. Some problems may last a little longer, but they are usually resolved by three months.

During this period, you must definitely take care of yourself. Eat well. Drink plenty of fluids and exercise outdoors. Try a variety of relaxation techniques - yoga, meditation, massage, or a warm bath - to help you get through a difficult period.
Share your feelings with the baby's father and other family members, and have them take turns comforting, numbing, and rocking the baby.
Set small goals for yourself, such as reading one chapter from a book or going for a 15-minute walk.
Classes in groups for young mothers are very useful, because there you will learn that other mothers and their children, like you and your child, go through exactly the same adaptation period.
The main thing you need to remember is that this is a very short time in your own life and that of your baby. Try to hug and cuddle your child as often as possible to help them get through a difficult time. Together you can do it.

Every mother wants to see her child healthy and from the first days of his life begins to give him everything he needs. This is breast milk, which has beneficial substances and trace elements necessary for the growth and strengthening of the child's body.

However, in addition to the feeding process itself, other factors are also important - proper breast care, comfort in position, pumping, the need for supplementary feeding, etc.

Find out all the nuances from our article: how to properly feed a newborn baby, the rules for feeding with breast milk and formula, nutritional characteristics with mixed feeding, how often and after what period of time to feed the baby (schedule and rate of food intake for the baby).

Natural feeding

In the first year breast milk is a vital food for the baby... In order for this period to bring only joy to the baby and mother, you should know about the basic rules of feeding.

What determines the amount of milk in mom

The amount of milk can be influenced by:

  • transferred stresses;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • mom's nutritional features;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • fatigue;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of rest.

Breast size does not affect milk supply. Neither the shape of the nipple, nor the type of milk matters.

Breastfeeding rules and breast care

When feeding, there is only one rule - feeding should be carried out in a separate room, where there is no one except the mother and the baby.

It doesn't matter what position will be adopted during feeding - sitting, lying, standing; the main thing is complete relaxation and convenience.

Separately, you need to talk about pumping and breast massage. These procedures should be carried out in the first 3-4 weeks after delivery. Then the milk supply is normalized.

Hands and breasts should be washed with soap and water before expressing and massaging. Do not use alcohol-based products.

Ordinary baby soap is an excellent antiseptic. It is also necessary to make sure that the detergent does not remain on the chest after washing procedures.

It is not recommended to use soap before each feeding. The tool is able to remove the fatty film that protects the mammary glands from external influences.

Therefore, you only need to wash your breasts once a day. If necessary, warm running water is sufficient.

The massage itself is not difficult. However, make sure the glands are the same density. If seals are found, massage is carried out in this area more intensively.

The chest is supported with one hand underneath. The second, with the help of 4 fingers, you need to massage the mammary gland in a circular motion, starting from the ribs and moving to the nipple. The hand that supports the chest from below should not be idle - the technique is similar.

At the site of compaction, the movements are not intensified, only the duration of the massage increases.

Expressing is an important step for a nursing mother. If you ignore the excess amount of milk, it will lead to the development of mastitis.

So, only two fingers should be used for pumping - index and large. It is important to press not on the nipple, but on the gland tissue. The most effective method of expressing is using a breast pump.

Many of the difficulties associated with breastfeeding are cracks and abrasions on the nipples. These phenomena arise due to:

  • child activity;
  • features of the mother's skin;
  • insufficient hygiene.

Preventive measures must be followed. This includes:

  • the nipple after feeding should always be dry (for this, blot it with sterile gauze);
  • cleanliness of the chest;
  • a nursing mother should not wear underwear containing synthetics - only cotton;
  • the baby should grab the areola (halo), not the nipple;
  • if a crack is found, treatment is started immediately;
  • mom's nails should be short (so as not to get scratched while expressing);
  • do not keep the baby near the breast for more than 20 minutes;
  • you can not bring the baby to such a degree of hunger that he pounces on the chest;
  • perform massage and pumping;
  • keep your chest open if possible.

For the treatment of abrasions and cracks, vitamin A is used on an oily basis (sold in pharmacies), Bepanten, sea buckthorn oil, special aerosols (without antibiotics).

If suppuration occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Meals by the hour or on demand

After how many hours do you need to breastfeed a newborn baby?

Two breastfeeding options are considered - feeding by the hour and on demand. Both options are equally relevant and acceptable.

Feeding by the clock is carried out strictly at a certain time every 3 hours. A break is made at night - 6 hours.

This regime lasts up to 2 months. Then the interval between feedings is increased to 3.5 hours, and at night - up to 7 hours.

The advantage of the method is to teach the child to discipline from early childhood. Otherwise, this method is a radical choice on the part of the mother, since not all children agree with the regime.

Feeding on demand is the most popular choice among modern parents.

After birth, the child experiences severe stress, and the only effective way to get rid of it is through bodily contact with the mother. Therefore, it is so important to attach the baby to the breast when he wants it. After all, sucking is not only a process of getting food, but also an effective method of calming the baby.

This method is a highly effective means of maintaining lactation.

However, frequent feeding will not allow the mother to do household chores, therefore, the baby should be applied to the breast not at the first signs of anxiety, smacking lips, grunting, puffing, but when the baby really needs food - once every 2 hours with a 20-minute feeding duration ...

A few words about the breastfeeding regimen and how to properly feed a newborn baby with breast milk, Dr. Komarovsky will tell:

Which option to choose

The basic rule is a healthy child knows himself when he needs food... Do not wake him up just because, according to his mother, it is already time for him to eat. Exceptions are such cases:

  • if mom needs to leave urgently;
  • children who weigh little.

The optimal interval between feedings for children under 1 month is 2-3 hours. Further, the baby himself will gradually increase it as he grows and develops.

An important condition is latching on to only one breast during one feeding. This rule is irrelevant if the baby is not full or if the mother has cracks on her nipples.

Make sure that the baby swallows during latching, not sucking. If you do not stop his desire to "hang" on his mother's chest in time, then in the future it will be quite difficult to wean him from his favorite work.

Bottle feeding your baby

Bottle feeding is different from latching on to the mother's breast. In the latter case, he himself determines the volume of milk and the duration of feeding. This allows milk production to adapt to the baby's needs and change as the baby grows.

There are different ways to feed your baby with breast milk if your mother is not around. This situation is justified due to the mother's inability to attach the baby to the breast (severe pain, urgent departure, etc.).

Then bottle feeding with a nipple allowed... Today, this method is in demand for artificial and mixed feeding, or if the mother is not around.

The nipple advantage is the safest and most natural process for absorbing food.

However, bottle sucking and sucking from the mother's breast have significant differences. In the first case, the baby makes less effort. Therefore, after getting to know the bottle, many babies refuse mother's breast.

An alternative is choosing a special nipple.

  • When tilting the bottle, no drops of milk should come out of the nipple.
  • When pressing on the wide area of \u200b\u200bthe nipple, a trickle should flow.

Remember to take care of your bottle. It is necessary to regularly rinse and rinse baby containers with boiling water.

Expressed breast milk is allowed to be frozen. This will preserve all the vitamins and useful microelements, and the newborn will not remain hungry if the mother leaves on business. It is not recommended to mix milk after several expressions. The frozen liquid is stored for no more than 2 months.

What to do if there is no lactation

How to feed a newborn baby if there is no milk? Often in medical practice there are cases when the mother does not have enough milk for good nutrition of the baby. The situation can be corrected by additional measures agreed with the doctor.

  • Mom should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • The crumb should be applied in the first days of his life as often as possible.
  • Do not replace breast milk with other fluids.
  • Nighttime latching is essential for good lactation.
  • Mom's nutrition is also important.

10-15 minutes before feeding, mom needs to drink a glass of warm sweet tea with milk or dried fruit compote.

No stress and worries: with emotional disorders in women, lactation worsens.

Why can't grapes while breastfeeding? You will find answers to questions about nutrition for nursing mothers.

Introduction of the mixture into the infant's diet

If, despite all the efforts of the mother, there is still enough milk, then willy-nilly, you will have to use additional nutrition - switch to mixed feeding. In the case of a complete transfer to milk formulas, we can talk about artificial nutrition.

What to give

The infant should receive nutrition that is as close as possible in composition to breast milk. These products are mixtures.

All mixtures are divided into 3 groups:

  • partially adapted (children after a year);
  • less adapted (after 6 months);
  • the most adapted (up to 6 months).

The best would be the mixture, on the packaging of which it is indicated: "Intended for feeding children from birth to 1 year."

You should not often change baby food, since the crumbs may develop unpleasant reactions in the form of diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, allergic rashes, etc.

It is necessary to switch to another mixture if:

  • if the baby is not gaining weight;
  • if he has frequent constipation.

It is unacceptable to give diluted cow's milk as a supplementary feed (full feeding). This can lead to irreversible consequences.

The product does not contain those useful minerals and vitamins that are contained in the adapted formula or breast milk.

Mixed feeding rules

  • Give the breast first, then the mixture.
  • Only one feeding can be replaced with formula.

The product should be introduced gradually, starting with a small amount. The temperature of the mixture should not exceed the child's body temperature. It is only necessary to dilute the product with boiled water.

Here is another interesting video with the participation of Evgeny Komarovsky, from which you will learn about the mode of feeding a newborn, whether you need to feed him at night and how many times you can do it:

Feeding hours and dosage

How to properly feed a newborn baby with a formula and should it be done on time?

With artificial feeding 6-7 meals a day are recommended in the first months of life with an interval of 3-3.5 hours.

A 6 hour interval should be done at night. It is important to take into account the required volume, which is calculated depending on age and weight.

So, for the first half of life, a baby needs 115 kcal per 1 kg, after 6 months - 110 kcal.

The daily volume of food required for crumbs with normal weight indicators is:

  • from 7 days to 2 months - 1/5 of body weight;
  • from 2 to 4 - 1/6 of body weight;
  • from 6 to 12 months - 1/8.
  • A new mixture is introduced according to the following schedule:

    • 1 day - 10 ml once a day;
    • Day 2 - 10 ml 3 times a day;
    • 3 day - 20 ml 3 times a day;
    • 4 day - 50 ml 5 times a day;
    • 5 day - 100 ml 4 times a day;
    • 6 day - 150 ml 4 times a day.

    Complementary feeding start

    Learn to distinguish between complementary foods and complementary foods. In the first situation, the baby receives additional food to prepare for adulthood and food. In the second, it is supplemented with mixtures in case of lack of milk.

    Complementary foods are introduced at the age of 6 months - with breastfeeding and 5 - with artificial nutrition. Until this period, except for mother's milk, formula and water, nothing can be given.

    Start slowly and carefully. For the first time, you must give half a teaspoon of complementary foods, and then supplement with milk or a mixture. The "test" is possible before the second feeding, at 9-11 am.

    Assess the child's reaction to the new product. If rash, irritation, anxiety, constipation (diarrhea) were not found, then the next day you can give 2 times more.

    In no case should you introduce an unfamiliar product during illness or after vaccination. If there is any reaction, the start of complementary feeding is delayed by 1-2 weeks.

    Don't force your child to eat. Perhaps the baby is not yet ready for a new stage in life.

    Where to start feeding

    Better to start with vegetables, this is zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. Any vegetable is thoroughly washed and cooked (in a double boiler or in a regular saucepan). Then it is ground with a blender.

    On the first day - half a teaspoon. Then the dose is doubled every day and brought to normal.

    If there are no extraneous reactions to the new product, after 4 days you can try another vegetable, and then make mashed potatoes from the previously proposed products. After 10 days, one meal of dairy food should be completely replaced.

    For 7 months, you can offer porridge. This must be done at the very last reception - before bedtime. To begin with, the baby should be introduced to buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, then gradually expand the diet.

    Use special baby cereals designed for 7 months of age. Giving semolina at this age is not recommended due to the presence of gluten in it.

    At the 8th month, two feedings are already replaced. Now you can introduce your child to fermented milk products - kefir. On day 4, offer low-fat cottage cheese.

    Fruits are introduced into complementary foods when the baby's first tooth appears. The first is an apple. It is not recommended to fully replace feeding with fruit. They are given in addition to the main food.

    Meat is introduced at 9 months of ageand fish at 10 months. You can add half the yolk and vegetable oil to the diet. Since 10 months, soup is already being prepared on meat, fish broth, to which bread crumb is added. The introduction of vegetable oil and cookies is allowed.

    By one year of age, all 5 feedings should be completely replaced. Although some moms still breastfeed at night.

    Water must be added to the diet. Its temperature should correspond to the body temperature of the baby.

    The main thing while breastfeeding is to eat well. It is prohibited during this period:

    • consume alcoholic beverages;
    • eating spicy, salty, spicy foods.
    • It is necessary:

      • exclude cow's milk, peas, beans, white cabbage from the diet;
      • limit the use of caffeine, chocolate;
      • exclude fast food and convenience foods.

      During the feeding period, you should avoid stress, adhere to a sleep and rest regimen.

      From this video tutorial, you will learn a lot of useful information about breastfeeding positions for a newborn, how to properly feed a baby while sitting and lying on its side, in which position it will be best for you and your baby:

      In contact with


In this article:

Breastfeeding is a process that raises many questions among the fair sex. How to apply correctly to the chest? What difficulties may arise? Why is breastfeeding of newborns sometimes contraindicated? We have to find the answers to these questions.

Breastfeeding technique

All women want to breastfeed their baby after giving birth. Mom's milk is the perfect food for him. Breastfeeding is a natural process. However, during it, various difficulties may arise.

It is difficult for a newborn to understand how to drink milk from the breast. In order for the feeding process to be successful, every mother should familiarize herself with breastfeeding techniques.

Breastfeeding your baby is easy. Women should pay attention to the following main points:

  1. breast capture by a baby;
  2. breast selection;
  3. position of the child in the arms;
  4. frequency of feedings.

Grabbing the chest

Every newborn has reflexes. Thanks to them, he finds the nipple, takes it in his mouth, sucks on the breast and swallows milk. The baby is just not able to independently hold the breast. It is also difficult for a newborn to properly grasp the nipple. Mom's help is needed. The woman's task is to correctly put the breast in the baby's mouth, to help him to keep it.

When applied correctly, the baby captures the nipple and the dark circle around it - the areola. With his nose, he presses against the breast and remains in this position until the end of feeding. Thanks to the correct application, the newborn will be able to fully satisfy his nutritional needs by sucking the maximum amount of breast milk.

Breast selection

What kind of breast to give the baby? Can the same breast be offered? These questions are often asked by young mothers. Mother's milk is divided into two types: front and back. The difference between them lies in the saturation of nutrients, consistency. Foremilk is more watery. His baby gets sucking in the first minutes. Rear milk begins to be produced a little later. It is fatter and richer in nutrients.

The baby should receive both front and rear milk, so one and the same breast should not be offered often. It should also be borne in mind that the composition and consistency of breast milk changes in 3 hours. It is not necessary to give a new breast for every baby's request, because he will receive only one type of milk.

The position of the baby in the arms

For breastfeeding to be successful, the baby needs to be comfortable in her mother's arms. The position is correct if:
the baby's body is turned towards the woman;
the face of the baby is at a close distance from the chest;
mouth wide open;
a much larger area of \u200b\u200bthe areola is visible above the upper lip than under the lower lip.

If the body is not turned properly towards the mother, the lips are extended and a large area of \u200b\u200bthe areola is visible under the lower lip, then this means that the child is not correctly positioned. It will be uncomfortable for him to be in his mother's arms. The baby will start to get nervous, naughty, give up breast.

Feeding frequency

Often, young mothers from their girlfriends or doctors hear that the feeding regime is important for the child. This is true, but not for newborns, but for children over 6 months old. The newborn should be fed on demand. Each baby is different, so the interval between feedings may differ from baby to baby.

Breastfeeding difficulties

During the period of breastfeeding, you can face various problems:

  • refusal of the child from breastfeeding;
  • the formation of cracks in the nipples;
  • lactostasis.

Let's take a look at these challenges and how to overcome them.

Sometimes women who have given birth to a child are faced with the fact that their baby refuses to breastfeed. In the hospital, he could eat well, but at home he became capricious. One of the possible reasons is improper attachment to the breast. The mother should help the baby to make the correct grip on the nipple, to place it more comfortably on her hands. It is recommended to drink warm liquid and take a shower before feeding. These simple measures will expand the milk ducts. It will be easier for the child to suckle the breast, he will become less capricious.

Babies often give up breast at 2-4 months of age. The reason is that milk stops easily entering the baby's mouth in response to active sucking. The kid has to make extra efforts. Because of this, children begin to be capricious, offended, as they stop quickly getting what they want. The only way to solve the problem is to continue to apply the baby to the breast, to be persistent, not to give the bottle, since after it it will be difficult to transfer the baby to breastfeeding.

The reason for the refusal is sometimes the child's poor health. Mom may not understand this, because the baby does not know how to speak, and the symptoms are not always visible. Stomatitis, dermatitis, gas, and a mild runny nose can complicate the sucking process. If the baby refuses to breastfeed, it is worth calling a doctor.

Breastfeeding often causes cracks in the nipples in women. Feeding becomes much more difficult. Mothers experience discomfort and pain when the baby takes the nipple in his mouth. The solution to the problem is simple - you need to buy a special cream at the pharmacy that will relieve inflammation, protect the skin from drying out, and make it more elastic.

Lactostasis is another difficulty that can be encountered while breastfeeding. The term refers to a blockage of the milk duct. The chest begins to ache, hardens, the body temperature rises. If these symptoms appear, you should see a doctor. He will give advice on how to overcome the problem.

The World Health Organization (WHO) advises you to follow several rules for breastfeeding. Many specialists are guided by them, advising women on feeding of children.

  • the first breastfeeding should be carried out within an hour after the birth of the baby;
  • feed the newborn with mother's milk up to 6 months of age, without introducing complementary foods, water;
  • carry out feeding at any time of the day at the first request of the crumbs;
  • at 6 months, introduce complementary foods into the child's diet, without giving up breastfeeding.

Experts note that mother's milk is a natural food product that contains energy and nutrients that a baby needs in the first months of life. Milk satisfies the need for vitamins, microelements in older children as well: by 1/2 during the second half of the first year of life and by 1/3 during the second year of life. This is why WHO recommends breastfeeding for two years or more.

Contraindications to breastfeeding

Not all women can breastfeed their newborn. There are contraindications for breastfeeding. The mother is forbidden to feed the baby if she has the following problems:

  • oncological diseases (for treatment, heavy drugs are used that can enter the child's body with milk and harm);
  • dangerous infectious diseases (cholera, typhus, smallpox, anthrax);
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • A woman is HIV-positive;
  • serious mental illness (drugs are used for treatment that can adversely affect the condition of the newborn, and there is also a possibility that a sick mother will harm her baby);
  • during childbirth, there was heavy bleeding (doctors are engaged in restoring the mother's health and, after normalization of the condition, they allow breastfeeding).

Contraindications to breastfeeding can be not only on the part of the mother, but also on the part of the baby. A newborn should not be fed in the traditional way if certain hereditary pathologies have been identified (for example, phenylketonuria, galactosemia, maple syrup disease). Also, breastfeeding is contraindicated in case of severe prematurity of the child, his low birth weight, severe condition (respiratory failure, hypoglycemia, exicosis).

Thus, when feeding a child, a young mother needs to adhere to the above rules, listen to a doctor and not breastfeeding when breastfeeding is contraindicated. The well-being and health of the child depends on this.

Video on how to breastfeed while in the maternity hospital